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List of Schools, Libraries, Buses and Churches in the Longlevens area of Gloucester

SCHOOLS IN ELMBRIDGE/LONGLEVENS - see also Elmbridge Resource Website

small square imageimage of schoolchildrenThere is a primary school in Elmbridge and a primary and junior school in Longlevens. Elmbridge Primary is on Elmbridge Road. Longlevens Infants is in Paygrove Lane and Longlevens Juniors is nearby in Church Road.

small square imageThe Milestone School in Longford Lane is one of the biggest of its type in the country, and deals with many specialisms, including Conductive Education and provision for Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The school offers the full National Curriculum as a basis for curriculum development, and adds to this a wide range of additional activities for personal and social growth.

small square imageThe local Grammar School is Sir Thomas Rich's Grammar located in Oakleaze (Elmbridge).

small square imageGloucester Primary and Secondary Schools with websites

small square imageOFSTED school inspection reports

small square imageSchool term dates

LIBRARY small square imageimage of some books

Longlevens Library is in Church Road. Hours of opening are here. To renew your books visit this page visit this page


Longlevens Surgery in Church Road

Cheltenham Road Surgery


small square imageThe local operator is Stagecoach and you can check timetables and services here. The following services go through Longlevens:
6 Gloucester - Longlevens - Elmbridge
97/98 Gloucester - Churchdown - Cheltenham
94 Gloucester - Longlevens - Churchdown- Cheltenham
94U Gloucester - Longlevens - Golden Valley - Cheltenham
X94 Express coach (limited stops) between Gloucester - Longlevens - Cheltenham


small square imagechurch building imageBaptist Church in Kendal Road
Lonely? Looking for friendship? Try The Open Door

small square imageHoly Trinity Parish Church in Church Road.

small square imageMethodist Church in Lonsdale Road

This website © www.longlevens.org 2010-2018